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This collection of Rodin foundry plasters has been assembled over several years with the intention of creating a limited edition of bronzes of the highest quality. In fact, using the finest craftsman and techniques developed by Rodin's fondeurs, bronze casts were created with the utmost attention to the details, size, and patinas which exist in casts supervised by the artist during his lifetime. With this purpose in mind, lifetime casts were examined, and the only foundry plasters selected were those which maintained the details and quality of Rodin's best works.
Plaster was the form in which Rodin recorded his genius. First modeling in clay, which disintegrates over time, Rodin recorded a composition's important stages and finished form by making a negative mold (un moule bon creu) from the clay. He then used this mold to cast a permanent form in plaster. A plaster was always the starting point for further innovations in the composition or replication in bronze or stone.
The goal of this project has been to collect examples of Rodin's most significant works. These examples include, among others, such universally renowned figures as "The Age of Bronze", "Eve", "The Kiss", and "The Thinker".

Provenance for most of the works in this collection:
Rudier Foundeur, Paris.

The collection consists of a series of over 50 Rodin sculptures,  from which will be cast 24 pieces each, with a certificate of authenticity.
This document guarantees that the bronze was cast by the lost wax process from the foundry plaster by Auguste Rodin. This certificate is codical to title of the bronze: it is to accompany the  work at all transfers and will not be reproduced. Each bronze is finished using the exact same patinas and techniques as used during the life of the artist.
All dimensions and details are exact to life time casts.
Each cast has Masters Limited Edition cachet and is numbered.

It should be noted that this collection is the largest collection of significant foundry plasters of the artist Rodin held privately and is probably the second or third largest collection of important plasters of the artist in the world, only bettered by the collections of Musee Rodin in Paris, the Philadelphia Museum of Art (Rodin Museum). Other significant collections include the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco / California Palace of Legion of Honor, the Metropolitan Museum of Art / New York, National Gallery Washington, the Cantor Arts Center / Stanford University, the Mayhill Collection / Washington, the Chicago Art Institute / Chicago, the Los Angeles County Museum, the Cleveland Museum of Fine Arts, the Brooklyn Museum New York, the Pushkin Museum / Moscow, Galleria di Arte Moderna Ca' Pesaro / Venice-Italy, the Carlsberg Museum / Oslo-Norway, the Victoria Albert Museum / London-England, Glyptotech / Copenhagen-Denmark, among others.

A book has been produced documenting the history of the foundry plasters, the high quality, validity, and importance of this collection, and the bronze casts derived from it. The book was printed by Arti Grafiche Amilcare Pizzi S.p.A., one of the premier art book printers, with contributions from notable people, and photographic work done by Mario Carrieri (considered the foremost photographer of sculpture). 
Price of the book: 49$ (soft) or 70$ (hard edition) available during the Exhibitions or by special order through this site.
The objective of the project is to bring the highest quality reissue of the most important Rodin bronzes to the market  based on foundry plasters and/or molds of Auguste Rodin.
This site is just part of this project, but it will become one of the many instruments today available to acquire knowledge  about Auguste Rodin's art. 

About Reviewed by ICC TRADE on November 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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