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3D Gallery



The Collection

AUGUSTE RODIN - Collection of Plasters & Bronzes


1. The Great Thinker - Height: cm.184 ( 72 1/2")
2. The Thinker - Height: cm.73 ( 28 6/8")
3. The Hand of the Great Thinker - Height: cm.c. 38,5 cm
4. The Hand of the Thinker - Height: cm.c. 15,5 cm
5. The Age of Bronze (large) - Height: cm.182 ( 71 5/8")
6. The Age of Bronze (medium) - Height: cm.105,5 ( 41 1/2")
7. The Age of Bronze (small) - Height: cm.65 ( 25 5/8")
8. Bust of the Age of Bronze (small) - Height: cm.29 (11 3/8")
9. Bust of the Age of Bronze (large) - Height: cm.55 ( 21 5/8")
10. The Walking Man - Height: cm.87 ( 34 2/8")
11. Head of St. John the Baptist - Height: cm.38 ( 15")
12. Head of Eustache de Saint Pierre - Height: cm.35,5 ( 14")
13. Eternal Spring - Height: cm.66 ( 26")
14. Eve (medium) - Height: cm.76 ( 29 7/8")
15. Torso Morhardt - Height: cm.40,5 ( 16")
16. Nijinsky Height: cm.34 ( 13 3/8")
17. Fallen Caryatid carrying her Stone - Height: cm.44 ( 17 2/8")
18. Feminine Torso - Height: cm.30 ( 12")
19. The Danaid (small) - Height: cm.24 long (9 4/8")
20. Eve (large) - Height: cm.173,5 ( 68 2/8")
21. Iris, Messenger of the Gods - Height: cm.94 long (37")
22. The Kiss - Height: cm.87,5 ( 34 1/2")
23. Study for the Walking Man - Height: cm.55,5 ( 21 7/8")
24. Hand of Rodin holding feminine Torso - Height: cm.23 ( 9")
25. The Man with broken Nose - Height: cm.26 (10 2/8")
26. Balzac in Dominican Robe - Height: cm.108 (42 4/8")
27. Balzac Nude - Height: cm.76 (29 7/8")
28. Dance Movement A - Height: cm.66,5 (26 2/8")
29. Dance Movement B - Height: cm.33,5 (13 2/8")
30. Dance Movement D - Height: cm.32,5 (12 6/8")
31. Dance Movement E - Height: cm.36 (14 1/8")
32. Torso of Adele - Height: cm.45 long (17 6/8")
33. Hand of Adam - Height: cm.'33 (13")
34. Left Hand of Pierre Wiessant - Height: cm.34 (13 3/8")
35. Head of Balzac - Height: cm.18 (7 1/8")
36. Nijinsky (small) - Height: cm.17,5 (6 7/8")
37. Eve (medium, round base) - Height: cm.70 (27 4/8")
38. Study for Pierre Wiessant - Height: cm.64,5 (25 2/8")
39. Hand of God - Height: cm.14 ( 5 1/2")
40. Children with lizard - Height: cm.40 ( 15 6/8")
41. Burgher Andreus de Andres - Height: cm.44 ( 17 3/8")
42. The Shade - Height: cm.95,5 (37 5/8")
43. Crouching Woman - Height: cm.32,5 ( 12 6/8")
44. Right Hand of Pierre Wiessant - Height: cm.33 (13")
45. Study of Hand - Height: cm.26 ( 10 2/8")
46. Bust of Balzac - Height: cm.20 (7 7/8")
47. Iris (small) Height: cm.39 H (44 long = 17 3/8")
48. Bust of Jean D'Aire - Height: cm.46 (18 1/8")
49. The Kiss (small) - Height: cm.25,75 (10 4/8")
50. The Kiss (medium) - Height: cm.61 (24")
51. The Danaid (large) - Height: cm.31 (12 2/8")
52. Hand of God (large) - Height: cm.114 ( 44 7/8")
53. The Athlete - Height: cm.42 (16 4/8")
54. Fugit Amor - Height: cm.37,5 (14 6/8")
55. Kneeling Fauness - Height: cm.51 ( 20")
56. St. John the Baptist preaching - Height: cm.55 ( 21 5/8")
57. The Kiss, 16" - Height: cm.40, 5 (16")


1. The Great Thinker - Height: cm.183 ( 72")
2. The Thinker - Height: cm.73 ( 28 6/8")
3. The Hand of the Great Thinker - Height: cm.c. 38 cm
4. The Hand of the Thinker - Height: cm.c. 15 cm
5. The Age of Bronze (large) - Height: cm.180 ( 70 7/8")
6. The Age of Bronze (medium) - Height: cm.103 ( 40 1/2")
7. The Age of Bronze (small) - Height: cm.63 ( 24 7/8")
8. Bust of the Age of Bronze (small) - Height: cm.28 ( 11")
9. Bust of the Age of Bronze (large) - Height: cm.53 ( 20 7/8")
10. The Walking Man - Height: cm.85 ( 33 1/2")
11. Head of St. John the Baptist - Height: cm.37 ( 14 1/2")
12. Head of Eustache de Saint Pierre - Height: cm.34,5 ( 13 1/2")
13. Eternal Spring - Height: cm.65 ( 25 1/2")
14. Eve (medium) - Height: cm.74 ( 29 1/8")
15. Torso Morhardt - Height: cm.39 ( 15 3/8")
16. Nijinsky Height: cm.31 ( 12 1/8")
17. Fallen Caryatid carrying her Stone - Height: cm.43 ( 16 7/8")
18. Feminine Torso - Height: cm.29 ( 11 3/8")
19. The Danaid (small) - Height: cm.23 long (9 1/8")
20. Eve (large) - Height: cm.170,5 ( 67 1/8")
21. Iris, Messenger of the Gods - Height: cm.93 long (36 5/8")
22. The Kiss - Height: cm.85,5 ( 33 1/2")
23. Study for the Walking Man - Height: cm.53 ( 20 7/8")
24. Hand of Rodin holding feminine Torso - Height: cm.22 ( 8 5/8")
25. The Man with broken Nose - Height: cm.25, 1 (8 6/8")
26. Balzac in Dominican Robe - Height: cm.106 (41 6/8")
27. Balzac Nude - Height: cm.74,5 (29 3/8")
28. Dance Movement A - Height: cm.64,5 (25 2/8")
29. Dance Movement B - Height: cm.33 (13")
30. Dance Movement D - Height: cm.32 (12 5/8")
31. Dance Movement E - Height: cm.35 (13 6/8")
32. Torso of Adele - Height: cm.44 long (17 3/8")
33. Hand of Adam - Height: cm.32 (12 5/8")
34. Left Hand of Pierre Wiessant - Height: cm.33 (13")
35. Head of Balzac - Height: cm.17,5 (6 7/8")
36. Nijinsky (small) - Height: cm.17 (6")
37. Eve (medium, round base) - Height: cm.68 (26 6/8")
38. Study for Pierre Wiessant - Height: cm.62,5 (24 5/8")
39. Hand of God - Height: cm.13 ( 5 1/8")
40. Children with lizard - Height: cm.39 ( 15 3/8")
41. Burgher Andreus de Andres - Height: cm.43 ( 17")
42. The Shade - Height: cm.94 (37")
43. Crouching Woman - Height: cm.31 ( 12 1/8")
44. Right Hand of Pierre Wiessant - Height: cm.32 (12 5/8")
45. Study of Hand - Height: cm.25 ( 9 7/8")
46. Bust of Balzac - Height: cm.19,5 (7 6/8")
47. Iris (small) Height: cm.38,5 H (43 long = 16 7/8")
48. Bust of Jean D'Aire - Height: cm.45 (17 6/8")
49. The Kiss (small) - Height: cm.25 (9 7/8")
50. The Kiss (medium) - Height: cm.60,5 (23 7/8")
51. The Danaid (large) - Height: cm.30 (11 6/8")
52. Hand of God (large) - Height: cm.112 ( 44 1/8")
53. The Athlete - Height: cm.41 (16 1/8")
54. Fugit Amor - Height: cm.37 (14 4/8")
55. Kneeling Fauness - Height: cm.50 (19 6/8")
56. St. John the Baptist preaching - Height: cm.54 (21 2/8")
57. The Kiss, 16" - Height: cm.40 (15 6/8")
* Because of French regulations, we do not sell our products to France.
The Collection Reviewed by ICC TRADE on November 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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